International projects
LFI participates in many Erasmus+ and NordPlus projects in the field of immigration, language learning and education, intercultural education, technology, IT, media, citizenship and social issues, entrepreneurship and employment.

Navi-Mig (Supporting migrants navigate essential services and labor market integration) is an Erasmus+ project aimed to provide information and mentoring for migrants.
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Emotional Management for Migrant Women (2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000033610) is an Erasmus+ project that seeks to train emotional intelligence and equip social workers and volunteers working with migrant women in their adaptation process in host countries.

Rural Youth Parliament, Project no 2021-1-RO01-KA220-YOU-000029265, is an Erasmus+ Youth project.
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Start Point is an Erasmus+ project aiming to develop participatory citizenship,
for lifelong learning, democratic participation and community engagement of
young adults.
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E-Portfolio Migrants is an Erasmus+ project, Project no KA220-ADU-FEEC4925, that aims to increase the opportunities for migrants, their soft skills and to contribute to labor market integration and to the development of entrepreneurship.
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OFF-LINE: How to quit with Social Media is an Erasmus+ project aims to contribute to making the world wide web and social channels a place that promotes culture, correct information and critical, constructive and dialoguing thinking.
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RISE - ACTION-BASED APPROACH IN ADDRESSING AND MITIGATING RISKS OF YOUNG PEOPLE IN ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORKS is an Erasmus+ youth project which has the aim to create a framework where young people can feel safe in online communities...
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DIGIT - New didactical tools for initial digital training of low-skilled adults to adapt to labor market transitions.

Naturally Sustainable
The aim of the Naturally Sustainable project is to make the research and overview on the good practices within European VET schools, prepare the guidelines on innovative teaching methods...

Towards Variable-Access & Digitalization of Wellness Courses or DWC (Project no. 2021-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000033288) is an Erasmus+ project with the aim to facilitate and encourage professional training courses on wellness and cosmetology in order to create new digital materials for distance education in VET.

Commigration project is an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project to improve public officers' vocational skills and strengthen communication between them and immigrants.

Weaving Webs of Stories
Weaving Webs of Stories is an Eramus+ project that has developed a training programme focusing on 10-14-year-old children in a transnational effort to boost literacy and help young people, challenge hatred and discrimination, and become advocates for inclusion and equality.

Project Re-Start is designed to answer essential questions of refugees wanting to embark upon opening their own business.

Integration through prior knowledge (IntegPri)
The project focuses on strengthening teachers’ skills with regard to how they can assess their refugee/migrant students’ prior knowledge and then design learning activities which meet their needs and encourage their participation in the learning process.

Digital Evolution - The Journey - DIVO
The project DIVO Digital Evolution - The Journey aims to develop and support the basic digital capacity and capability of lowskilled adults in the digital sense of our project by developing an augmented reality game.

Intercultural Training for Educators of Adult Migrants - InterTrainE
Intercultural Training for Educators of Adult Migrants is an Erasmus+ project which aims to train educators and teachers to have a deep understanding of basic concepts of culture and intercultural communication, as well as the historic and contemporary international context.

ATLAAS Approaches to Language Acquisition for Adult Students
ATLAAS is an Erasmus+ Best Practices project. The methodology of the project is based entirely on sharing: sharing of expertise as well as sharing of newly gained experience.

Innovative Approaches and Methods for Home Caregivers
This is an Erasmus+ Best Practices project, which aims and sharing and evaluating innovative best practices in the project countries for home caregivers, and thereby improving the quality of home care for the elderly.

ENABLE – Entrepreneurship for Socially Disadvantaged
This partnership brings together 6 organisations from Nordic/Baltic area to share best practice in methods of improving entrepreneurial skills of disadvantaged adult individuals (women, youth, seniors, disabled and migrants).
European Adults Training and Internationalization
EATI project aims to develop more open and flexible approaches on recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning.

As the number of people arriving in EU countries is increasing, MAFLE is an Erasmus+ project (2017-2020) that aims to develop more attractive and quicker methods and materials for language learning for job seekers and asylum seekers who are non-academic and may not speak good English, in order for them to learn the local language and integrate better.

Language Voices
As the growing number of migrants in Europe struggle with limited financial resources, this project aims to improve and facilitate their access to second language studies through participation in Language Voices language cafés, which are informal meetings based on volunteering but also systematically organised.

Moving Languages
Language learning is one of the key priorities of successful integration, and applications for smart phones or tablets e.g. are an effective educational source for those migrant groups, as a large percent of them are digitally literate and are looking for new learning opportunities in their new countries online.
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Rethinking Democratic Awareness and Collective Responsibility for a wholeschool approach
Nordic-Baltic Cafe Lingua (2015-2017)
Nordic-Baltic Cafe Lingua (NBCL), Project No. NPAD-2015/10276, is a Nordplus Adult project for advancing informal adult language education through language cafes.

CV Plus (2015-2017)
Corporate Volunteering as a Tool for Connecting Business and Education Worlds.

This partnership brings together 6 organisations from Nordic/Baltic area to share best practice in methods of improving entrepreneurial skills of disadvantaged adult individuals (women, youth, seniors, disabled and migrants).
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Active partnerships
Our staff has been active partners, coordinators, material creators and adminstrators in the following projects
Swedish for foreigners in Finland
This project aims at creating a smartphone application for learning Swedish in Finland.

DIALoguE project will develop a new tool that can be used in all subjects at school.

Mobile Tech
Technological Empowerment for VET trainers. An Open Educational Resource (OER) to train VET trainers in the design and use of m-learning methodologies

SupEFL (2014-2017)
SupEFL - Supplemental Self-Help in English as a Foreign Language for Learners with Specific Learning Differences / Difficulties.

Regulating AntiDiscrimination and AntiRacism. The overall aim of project Radar is to provide law enforcement officials and legal professionals with the necessary tools, mainly through open training activities, aimed at facilitating the identification of ‘racial’ motivated hate communication.

According to the Europe 2020 Strategy, in order to improve the productivity of the EU economy and build a competitive, sustainable society, migrants must be more effectively integrated into receiving societies.

Investigating teachers' practices in using technology for Adult Language Learning (TECH4ALL) aims at meeting one of the main challenges of adult immigrant population in Europe which is to improve their knowledge and competence in linguistic and digital skills.

Fun with Flashcards
“Fun with flashcards” was an e-book project which consisted of writing an e-book with ideas on how to use flashcards in the classroom.

Langlete in ESTFIT
Language learning and teaching in Estonia, Finland and Italy: how to make use of cultural similarities and differences in classroom and in learning through culture

Everybody can do it. The goal of this Partnership Project is to promote gender equality in the roles played by men and women in public and private life, and to promote social integration and self-esteem by reinforcing learners’ awareness of their own skills and potential to be an active part of society.

Learning through Teaching. The aim of the project is for the partners to provide good practices, experiences, methods and seminars on adult education for implementing European Key competencies for lifelong learning and multicultural learning in their organizations and communities.

Enjoy Language within Tourism
The overall objective of the project is to enable young males working in the tourist sector with particular “foreign language learning resistance” to establish their “enjoying language” by increasing their interest and uptake of foreign languages and to increase their participation in the lifelong learning society.

Vårdsvenska - Swedish for Russian health care personnel
For some time now, The Swedish Culture Foundation has studied how they could offer internet-based courses for foreign health care personnel. A possible target group for the development project has turned out to be the Russian-speaking health care personnel who are interested in working in the health care for the elderly in Finland.

Empowerment Of Immigrant Women
The overall objective of the project is to form a Nordic network consisting of VET organisations, Adult Education organisations, NGOs working with integration and gender equality, Social Welfare Offices and Public Employment Centres for pooling experience and knowledge in order to elaborate a strategy for assistance of immigrant women without prior education into the vocation/professional education system in the participating countries.
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Language On The Move
The main purpose of the project was to reach people who use public transport (PT) to travel to Baltic and Nordic countries to work, to study or for other purposes and help them to realise the importance of learning the language of a destination country and to accept the polite etiquette and behaviour they should follow while in a country.

Negative is an EU GRUNDTVIG Learning Partnership project on the psychological health of young people with particular emphasis on negative body image, running from September 2013 to December 2015.