Rural Youth Parliament

Rural Youth Parliament, Project no 2021-1-RO01-KA220-YOU-000029265, is an Erasmus+ Youth project. The project aims to increase the quality and relevant of their activities and projects especially the ones that address young people with fewer opportunities. The project addresses target groups meaning rural youth from the regions where are located the partners in the project and youth workers from the partner organizations.

The project has developed 

1) A Guide on best practices for transnational cooperation for rural youth engagement

2) Methodology for organizing rural youth parliaments as tools for active engagement of young people in disadvantaged communities.

3) An Online Guide with instruments for involving young people in the social life of the community

4) Online tutorial for youth workers to learn about how to work with rural youth

The results can be downloaded below (in Finnish and English) and also on the project website, available here:

The following activities were held during the project:

  •  A kick-off meeting in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, in April 2022
  • A project meeting in Helsinki, Finland in December 2022
  • An LTTA training event for training youth workers in Ploeuc-Hermitage, France in June 2023
  • A final project meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania, in September 2023
  • A Multiplier Event in each project country to promote the project
  • Numerous local youth parliament events, visits to schools and organisations, and other local activities!

See a video of the project activities here:

And a video of project results here:

...and more videos on the RYP project YouTube channel

And follow the project on Facebook!

Read also our press releases here!