Rural Youth Parliament project has finished its results


The Rural Youth Parliament project is an Erasmus+ project (Cooperation partnership in youth) with the aim to increase the quality and relevance of the activities of the partners, especially the ones that address young people with fewer opportunities. The project addresses target groups such as rural youth with less opportunities for participation. The partners in the project are LAG Napoca Porolissum (Romania), TAVO Europa (Lithuania), Plœuc-L’Hermitage (France) and Learning for Integration ry (Finland). 

The partnership has developed a Guide on Best Practices for Transnational Cooperation for Rural Youth Engagement and Methodology for Organizing Rural Youth Parliaments. These guides can also be downloaded in the the other project langauges (Romanian, Finnish, Lithuanian and French) on the project website. You can also find the Finnish versions of the guides here attached!

The partners have also conducted many local youth activities, and in June the project partners and their youth workers engaged in a training activity in Plœuc-L’Hermitage, France, training the participants in methodologies for youth, full of activities, interesting visits and many things to learn that each participant can apply in their communities.

The project will have its last meeting in Lithuania in September 2023. In the meantime, you can access our results and follow us on Facebook and check out for news on our website.